How can I showcase upcoming events with only the closest date showing?

This topic answers a question submitted at an Open Studio event. To view a list of all the questions submitted, visit this topic.

How can I showcase upcoming events with only the closest date showing?

You can manually choose which upcoming events to show in the event list.

  1. Open the Studio Editor and click on the Events widget
  2. Open the app settings and click Display
  3. Under Which events are shown? choose the Select Manually option
  4. Click Select Events and choose the events you want displayed

You can find a full guide on displaying events here - Wix Events: Choosing Which Events to Display on a Site Page | Help Center | One thing to note with manual selection is that once the event is over, you’ll need to change the display again manually. Past events won’t automatically disappear.

Open Studio is an event where we share with you everything we’ve been working on: product updates, new announcements, growth opportunities, and our plans for the future. This topic was created to answer a question submitted at an Open Studio event. To view a list of all the questions submitted, visit this topic.