I’m a starter of the Wix Velo. I want to make a default profile picture that every member will get when they sign up. How can I do it?
Please answer my question.
Thanks a lot,
wix #MembersArea #PlsAnswerMyQuestion @marlowe-shaeffer
I’m a starter of the Wix Velo. I want to make a default profile picture that every member will get when they sign up. How can I do it?
Please answer my question.
Thanks a lot,
wix #MembersArea #PlsAnswerMyQuestion @marlowe-shaeffer
Hi Jason,
Please see the Velo API here: https://www.wix.com/velo/reference/wix-users-backend/updateuserfields (you can update their image by passing a image URL to the image field)
However, you cannot trigger this event when user signup, please create a custom signup flow (not the native signup form) by following the example code here: https://www.wix.com/velo/reference/wix-users-backend/updateuserfields
Hope this helps,
Certified Code Team
This Wix Velo Forum will help you to reach your goal with help and assistance with any code issues that you have, along with pointing you in the right direction with regards to using the correct Wix API or an example that you can see how it all works yourself.
What the forum won’t do is to sit down and write code for your site, if you are after something like that then you are much better off checking out the Wix Marketplace and finding somebody suitable there.
Finally, have a read of our guidelines at the top of the forum, so that you know what to expect.
Hi there
I’m against assigning a default image for each site member, instead, on their profile pages, or anywhere else, before showing their picture, check whether they have a picture or not, and if they don’t, show the default picture.
const default_image = 'wix:image://...';
return getUserProfile().then((profile) => {
$w('#name').text = $w('#picture').tooltip = $w('#picture').alt = profile.name;
$w('#picture').src = profile.picture || default_iamge;
This approach is better since you can easily change the default image, whereas you need to query the members’ database to get all the members, then update their details in the members’ database as well as their contact details, I can pretty much guarantee you that the request will timeout before all members get updated.
Thank you all! It is well appreciated.
Thank you all! It is well appreciated.
Thank you all! It is well appreciated.
@jasonyinghk you’re welcome
Jumping in from 2025 - this is something I’ve been looking for so I’m going to give it a try. Only just getting my head around putting in Velo code so let’s see how it goes?!
I’m looking to exactly the same thing but hitting an issue…
ReferenceError: getUserProfile is not defined
…when running the script. Is getUserProfile no longer in use in Velo?
Any help would be gratefully recieved!