Setting Site Member's Profile Picture by Default?

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this but I am wondering if there is a way for me to either automatically or manually assign new members to my site with a profile picture? I don’t want members of my site to have to choose their own profile picture.

The way I have currently set up my site is so that when a member signs up they must be approved first (by myself) before being able to log in. I would like to be able to assign them a profile picture either before or right after I approve them.

Is there any way to do this on Wix? I have not found a way as of yet?

Did you find a way of doing this?

I found a thread from 2021 that suggests that it is possible…

but I’m getting an error when I publish it saying

 `ReferenceError: getUserProfile is not defined`

This is the code that was on the thread…

$w.onReady(**function** () {

**const** default_image = 'wix:image://v1/4c497b_98f0451b76d344f19f7b431300bef6e6~mv2.png/_.png#originWidth=400&originHeight=400';

**return** getUserProfile().then((profile) => {

$w('#name').text = $w('#picture').tooltip = $w('#picture').alt =;

$w('#picture').src = profile.picture || default_image;

