How can you make a default profile pictures that every member get when they sign up?

Hi there :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

I’m against assigning a default image for each site member, instead, on their profile pages, or anywhere else, before showing their picture, check whether they have a picture or not, and if they don’t, show the default picture.


const default_image = 'wix:image://...';
return getUserProfile().then((profile) => {
    $w('#name').text = $w('#picture').tooltip = $w('#picture').alt =;
    $w('#picture').src = profile.picture || default_iamge;

This approach is better since you can easily change the default image, whereas you need to query the members’ database to get all the members, then update their details in the members’ database as well as their contact details, I can pretty much guarantee you that the request will timeout before all members get updated.