How ? Content specific to each member


More and more of my clients who work exclusively in B2B are asking me to create member spaces for them to manage their own clients.

I am asked to be able to ensure that each member can obtain in their spaces a page which is dedicated to them and which is managed not by them but by my client . Thus, the objective here is to give each member very specific information.

I tried to combine Wix Data + Member’s Area but it doesn’t work

How to do for example to have a rate page in the member area and that this page changes according to each member?


Would require some code along with database and the members area. Basically, I would approach this by inserting a new row in a database with the name of the user and their ID on a user signing up.

Then, use that database to display information to the specific user by filtering the dataset according to the current users ID.

This allows the client to show info to the client as needed

“Would require some code” :frowning:

What would be even simpler, rather than going through Velo, is to be able in the database manager to be able to “connect” the “member space” element exactly as if you choose to connect an image, a rich text , a reference, a multireference etc… it would be necessary to add here member space
I hope this will be done quickly by the Wix teams…

You only need a small piece of code to insert the ID of the member into a new row in a database when they sign up.

“You only need a small piece of code”
You have it ?

@bestofdenis Well that depends completely on what you have set up already

@noahlovell Hello Noah,
I contacted the Wix teams and apparently this request is in high demand from partners, so maybe it will come out native. *

After what I’m asking is pretty “simple”, I just want to have in a private page a dynamic page that displays different content for each member via Wix Data.

In my idea, in the database each line corresponds to a page and one of the fields of this line allows to link the profile to the page, so if there are 100 members, then I have 100 lines and each line to an identifier to link the member to the page.

I’m not a Velo expert, but if you have a piece of code to do this, you’ll help a lot of experts who ask for this functionality :slight_smile:

This is exactly the approach you need to take. It’s just the approach you take to getting that unique identifier into the database, in this case their user ID. Then on their individual page you filter by their user ID equalling the one in the database. If you want to jump on a quick call to discuss this, let me know