How do I completely remove hover effects on galleries?

How do I completely remove hover effects on galleries?

Wix Studio Editor.

What are you trying to achieve:
I want to display a gallery of images that are not clickable using a CMS. For this purpose, having a hover effect is undesired. I would prefer using a gallery as opposed to a repeater because repeaters can’t use Image Gallery fields from datasets and adding each field is rather hellish when my galleries have up to 200 images.

What have you already tried:
I’ve tried connecting a repeater to the dataset with the gallery but this doesn’t work.
I’ve messed around with the properties of the gallery but there is nothing that helps you remove the default hover.

Thank you!

Well, ended up solving it the caveman way. I just added some css to the site to overwrite the hover behavior: .gallery-item-container.shrink-on-hover:not(.hide-hover).simulate-hover, .gallery-item-container.shrink-on-hover:not(.hide-hover):hover, .gallery-item-container.shrink-on-hover:not(.hide-hover)[data-preview~=hover] {
    transform: scale(1) !important;

If there is a cleaner way to do it, please let me know.

EDIT: this didn’t work for long.

EDIT2: the only thing that made it work was changing the type of gallery I used as a base. I found that the rounded corners one didn’t have a hover effect so I used that. I guess that if in the future wix chooses to add a hover effect I’m doomed. This is ridiculous, though. How come you can’t just remove ALL hover effects from the 2 menus dedicated to it?


Worth checking these places:

  • Design tab> Overlay and Icons> Overlay effect at the bottom
  • Design tab> Texts> Choose “What happens to the info on hover?”
  • Design tab> Item Style> Hover effect

I’ve passed the feedback on about the experience.

Is there a particular area that is showing a hover effect and you don’t want? (e.g. overlay, text image zooming etc)