How do I fix this issue in Automations: Properties in this action aren’t available anymore Remove or replace them to fix the issue. submissions>label submissions>value

I can’t correct this problem the automation is giving me

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
Correct this issue in automations:

Properties in this action aren’t available anymore

Remove or replace them to fix the issue.

  • submissions>label
  • submissions>value

What have you already tried:
Articles & AI Chat

Additional information:

This is purely a visual issue and doesn’t effect the emails being sent.

The way to resolve is to open the email editor, click save, and then you’re done :slight_smile: Should remove the error message and continue working after

I’m glad it’s not affecting the emails being sent! I opened the email editor and saved, but the error remains. Any thoughts?

:sweat_smile: - maybe a refresh? This method worked last week, but if not, I’ll ask the team :slight_smile:

Still there after a refresh :frowning:

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Asked the team :slight_smile: Will loop around once I’ve heard back

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same issue - Properties in this action aren’t available anymore
Remove or replace them to fix the issue.

@user5348 - the team took a look and it shouldn’t be there any longer :slight_smile:

@Stu_Siney - you may need to enter the email, make a change to any of the content and then save