I can’t correct this problem the automation is giving me
Wix Studio
What are you trying to achieve:
Correct this issue in automations:
Properties in this action aren’t available anymore
Remove or replace them to fix the issue.
- submissions>label
- submissions>value
What have you already tried:
Articles & AI Chat
Additional information:
This is purely a visual issue and doesn’t effect the emails being sent.
The way to resolve is to open the email editor, click save, and then you’re done
Should remove the error message and continue working after
I’m glad it’s not affecting the emails being sent! I opened the email editor and saved, but the error remains. Any thoughts?
- maybe a refresh? This method worked last week, but if not, I’ll ask the team 
Still there after a refresh 
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Asked the team
Will loop around once I’ve heard back
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same issue - Properties in this action aren’t available anymore
Remove or replace them to fix the issue.
@user5348 - the team took a look and it shouldn’t be there any longer 
@Stu_Siney - you may need to enter the email, make a change to any of the content and then save