How do you verify PayPal payments?

Right now, Im trying to figure out how to add users to a database collection once they have paid for their membership on PayPal. I know this would be easy with Wix Paid Plans, but that's not an option for me. Im not sure how to verify a paypal payment. I’ve been following this tutorial, which you can find by searching: Wix PayPal Integration With Your Wix Site Using Velo & PayPal REST API – Dude Lemon Wix Velo Tutorials . It mentions that you need to add a wix web hook to listen for a payment confirmation from PayPal, but it doesn’t really explain how.
The Wix documentation explains that you need to use the onPaymentUpdate function to listen for changes in the payment`s status, but this function doesn’t seem to fire.

Hi @bvdhest1998 ,

The event should be onPlanPurchased( )

You don’t have to verify manually with paypal because Wix already did that.

Does it solve your question?

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Unfortunately, wix paid plans aren’t an option for me