How to create hyperlink to dynamic pages?

Hi everybody, I’m really hoping somebody will be able to help me.

I’ve just started creating dynamic pages and understanding how it works with the data collection and the content manager, however what I’m missing is unique hyperlinks to my dynamic pages.
Namely, want to list a number of movies and books and I want to be able to link to them, without writing out the whole URL. Is this possible? I’m guessing it is, but is it possible without coding? (I know zero coding).

Thanks a bunch in advance!


Are you asking how to crate a dynamic hyperlink based on the current item’s page?

Hmm no, I’m asking how to add unique hyperlinks to each dynamic page. In the data collection I can add for example movie title, movie poster and description. What I want to add at the bottom of each dynamic page is a hyperlink to say “click here” and link to another website. Since they’re dynamic, a normal linking just lets me use one URL which appears on all pages, whereas I need unique hyperlinks. Do you understand what I mean?

@hey8881 I’m not sure I got you. Let’s see if this solution answers your question.
In the collection create a filed: externalUrl
In the dynamic page connect a button to the externalUrl of the current item.

$w.onReady(() => {
$w("#dynamicDataset1").onReady(() => {
const currentItem = $w("#dynamicDataset1").getCurrentItem();
$w("#button1").link= currentItem.externalUrl;
} else {

Hi JD, thanks for your help. I was confused by the coding but what you said worked, just connecting the field to a button without any coding. Thanks a lot!