How to Integrate a Searchable Database into Wix Studio Website?

I would like to integrate a searchable database into my Wix Studio website and do not know where to begin. Really appreciate any assistance or guidance you can provide! Here is what I am trying to accomplish:


  1. A website visitor can go to a page on my website and have two fields from which they can enter a first and last name and click a button (“Submit”).

  2. Data will then be searched to provide them with information that will be displayed on the same page. This information will list the first and last name they entered, and up to five pieces of very basic information that correspond to the name they entered.

  3. For example, if someone typed “Smith” in the “Last Name” field and “John” in the “First Name” field, it would return: “John Smith Value 1: A Value 2: 8 Value 3: 5 Value 4: 3500 Value 5: 4800”

I currently have this data stored in a single Excel spreadsheet but can convert it to a Microsoft Access database, SQL, etc. or whatever is necessary to work with Wix Studio websites.

The data is simple but there is a lot of data. Approximately 40,000 rows of data with seven columns: Last Name; First Name; Value 1; Value 2; Value 3; Value 4; Value 5. But it is just numbers and letters, and the total file size is less than 8MB.


  1. Is this something that I can accomplish using Wix Studio?

  2. If so, what is the best way to accomplish this?

  3. Is this data something I can upload to Wix Studio (sort of like using CMS for a
    dynamic page) or do I have to host this data on an external server?

  4. What is the best format for this data to be in? (e.g. a single Excel spreadsheet, Access DB, SQL, etc?)

  5. Any other things I should be aware of or best practices?

Thank you so much for any advice or insight!

This is very possible with Wix Studio. Upload your database as a CSV to the Wix CMS then some Velo is is required for WixData.Query.

Note: You may require a higher hosting plan for 40,000 records as I think the base plan maybe limited to around 10,000 records.

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Thanks for the reply, Steve! It’s good to know that this is possible with Wix Studio. But I just looked up the plan CMS levels. The Premium Plus plan has a limit of “10,000 CMS items.” The next plan up allows “100,000 CMS items.” But it is over four times more expensive ($2,000 USD per year). This is for a small non-profit and that is cost-prohibitive. Do you know of any alternatives? For example, could this data be hosted by a third-party service like AWS, Google, etc. and then linked to the website to perform the query? It’s only 8MB of data total and will likely never grow to more than 10MB ever. Maybe that would be something a not-for-profit could afford? Appreciate your thoughts!

You can integrate external databases with Velo. Please refer following

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Thanks Alister! I read your link and have a few more follow-up questions if you have a moment. I did some independent research before seeing your response. Since I only have one 8MB file that will never really get any larger, it was recommended that I use Firebase Firestore to securely host my datasheet for free (just one csv with text only) and then integrate this with my Wix Studio website. I saw in the link you sent me that Wix Studio integrates with Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure. Does Wix Studio also integrate external databases hosted by Firebase Firestore? I know that Firebase Firestore is is a Google product/company - so I thought they are the same? As per Firebase website:

“Firebase and Google Cloud share three products: Cloud Firestore, Cloud Functions, and Cloud Storage. These are the same products that exist in Google Cloud, simply exposed for client-side developers via Firebase. You can access the same data from the server SDKs (Google Cloud) and the client SDKs (Firebase), so your frontend and backend teams can work in concert.”

If they do integrate, do I just follow the same instructions for Google Cloud?

Appreciate your response!