How to make Wix Pro Gallery thumbnails scrollable? And how to make thumbnails non square?

Hi, I am using Wix Pro Gallery (the layout with row of thumbnails below selected video) to display videos. I have more videos than fit in the horizontal row of thumbnails below the selected video. Is there a way to make those thumbnails scrollable if the thumbnails don’t fit in one row?

Related - I am trying to make the thumbnails appear in the aspect ratio of the original full size thumbnail. They are 16:9. In layout settings → customize layout I chose under Thumbnail Resize the “Fit” option, which in theory makes thumbnails have ratio of original image. But no matter what I choose there the thumbnails are always square.

Ideas on how to get this gallery behaving more logically?


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I want thumbnails not appearing as square ratio and I would like the thumbnails in a horizontal row to be scrollable.

What have you already tried:
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I have tried seeing if the Gallery settings have options to achieve what I am after, but there is nothing.

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