There doesn’t appear to be any solution in any documentation or Posts. I have been searching for days.
First I tried SendGrid to send an email to a site member that is NOT logged in using the video tutorial by Nayeli. I had everything copied and customized perfectly, but the email was NOT sent.
Second I tried SendGrid REST using the example at This seemed to work, it said email was sent successfully, however email was NOT sent.
My API Key was verified and works from the SendGrid dashboard.
Third I discovered Wix-users-backend emailUser(). This is exactly what I need so that I can send email from various parts of my code to non-logged in users. I thought this was my solution, I don’t even need SendGrid.
Here’s the problem… The Corvid API Reference gives the code for the front end only, but NOT the back end. Am I missing something? Does anyone else see this problem? I even tried guessing at the backend code from other examples.
Can anyone please help me with this backend code, I’m sure there are others as confused as I am.
I’ve spent a year building a very complicated site with no coding experience and this is the first real stumbling block I’ve found. Thank you to all contributors who have got me to where I am so far. I am hoping to launch within 2 weeks. Please help.
Thank you in advance.