I have a menu (I CREATED) in edit mode but it is not there in view mode


Have you checked the margins and paddinfs of the element? If you’re using the built it menu, you may need to set “show” in layer panel. Also, make sure if there is a hamburger logo if you’re using the mobile navigation style.

Thanks for the message Mike. I created my own menu, the same for every page. I have finished 5 other pages with the same menu. But on this last page. the menu disappears from the view mode. Even though I see it in the edit mode. See attached pics.

That was a pic of the page in tablet mode. This is a pic of what I see for mobile in edit mode. which is correct.


If the navbar is working in other pages, I suggest you to set it to global element, or add it in the assets library and since you’re navigation is not modern one, try adding the nav container to the css class in global.css file and add

.myav {
Position: relative;
margin: 0;
padding : 0;
z-index : 5;

If all of these methods are not working, try contacting the Wix support or delete and recreate a new nav. Have you tried it on the live site too? If so, I can debug using console.

Thanks for the suggestions Mike. I dont know how to program though. Thats why I wanted to use wix. I redid the page and it looks fine UNTIL I look at mobile. And again some of the text is out of alignment. When I try to edit it, to delete an empty line that shouldn’t be there I get this (picture) with strangly spaced text. Only 2 of them are out now.

And then sometimes when I edit the mobile page (because it doesn’t scale) it messes up the other breakpoints. I simply want all the paragraphs to look the same. With the bold names directly below the paragraph quote.

Surley there is a way to edit only 1 breakpoint without affecting the others?

As you don’t want to program though, have you tried advanced size editing? It’s in the 3 dots button above width, height tab. Also, you should manually reset the text spacing.
Normally, you are using pixel for sizing most elements. There’s the %, viewport and min/max width, height to make your site responsive. Also make sure your text size is readable size and the spacing should be given with pixel and reduce the paddings. I saw there are too many padding for mobile view.

Hi Mike,

Yes I would try any of the suggestions you made. But you will have to explain the exact process you mean for each thing.
Advanced size editing- to what size and how?
manually reseting reset the text spacing- how? and to what size? isn’t that what I was trying ?
% viewport- min max width height, what exactly should it be?
my text size seems fine but I can’t manually edit it. (remember the picture I sent?)
too many paddings? what exactly should it be? I’m only changing things on each breakpoint because it doesn’t scale down properly.

These are the things I need to know. If you can give specific information I would really appreciate it.

All the best,


Hi Kavie,
I created a tutorial for you. I’ve created the whole similar design layout that’s work for both pc, tablet and mobile breakpoints!
Responsive Tutorial for Kavie
Sorry about the lower sound quality. My laptop mic is too old.
Hope this solve your issue
Here is the live site
New Page | My Site 1 (learnacademia.wixstudio.io)

Thanks Mike, that’s very kind of you. I can’t hear most of what you are saying in the video. But I’ll try to figure it out by watching the video.

all the best.


As Mike mentioned, how about turning the section containing the menu into a master section (global section)? This is a feature of Wix Studio that doesn’t require programming. :thinking:

Thanks for the suggestion. how would I to do that?

Hi, Kavie !!

First, let’s confirm the issue: you’ve set up a menu on multiple pages, but it’s not showing on other pages, right? Normally, if you set up a header, the same header should appear at the top of all pages. So, if you add your menu element inside the header, it should solve the problem. How are things currently? Are you placing the menu in the header? Or is it in a regular section? Since the header is essentially a type of global section, it might help to watch a Wix tutorial about global sections to get a clearer picture of how to solve the issue. This video might not directly solve your problem, and I apologize if that’s the case, but it’s really helpful. You can watch the “Create Global Sections” video by following the link below. It would be good to watch other videos as well. Mastering Wix Studio can be tough without the proper guides, so it’s crucial to read through the full documentation first.

Thanks! I started with a template which I then deleted (everything on the page) and just dragged and dropped pics backgrounds and items I wanted to see without any knowledge to start. I assumed (haha) the software would make it work.
I tried but can’t save the menu as an asset. There is no option when I right click. So every page and breakpoint I designed a menu for that page. (almost the same) At this point I’m only making one very simple site for myself. I just want it to work properly. If I test it and it doesn’t work I will start again using wix editor instead of studio. Or a different company altogether. I have limited time to work on this. But thank you again for your kind advice. (:

Hi, Kavie !!

I see(haha) :rofl:. It seems that Wix Studio still needs a lot of improvement! Personally, I believe that starting directly with Wix Studio can indeed be quite challenging. This is due to the numerous detailed settings and the impression that the UI is still not user-friendly. Therefore, for quickly completing the site you’re currently working on, starting with the Wix Editor is probably the best option. The Wix Editor is more suitable for beginners to intermediate users. However, the potential for growth lies in creating sites with Wix Studio, so this presents a tricky trade-off. Alternatively, it might be a good idea to rethink the menu design and structure in Wix Studio. By using a “mega menu” approach, you can implement a simple yet substantial menu at the top of your site, which I highly recommend. I believe that if you implement it according to the reference articles, it should work out well!

It’s a challenging one. If you have free time, try practicing Wix Studio again. There’s always a hidden gem we can find in each No-Code Builders. Wish you got the most fit website with your imagination!!!