mobile menu not working...

Hi, I have a site that is running for a while, but in the last few weeks it has trouble displaying on mobile. the main problem is the menu doesn’t collapse.

I can’t for the love of me find the breakpoints on the wix editor, i’ve tried making it larger, redoing the entire menu etc., no joy. I’ve followed videos that say three elipses should show next to each layout, and as you can see, I don’t have that options.

Now, I reckon breakpoints are what is stopping it from doing as it should, but I can’t find them anywhere in the settings.

any and all help is appreciated.

Layout breakpoints are available on the the Editor X .

hi, can you point me as to where i can find editor x

My previous comment included the link to the Editor X site .

@yisrael-wix I get that is the site for editor x, but it doesn’t show me how to use it… which is where I am stuck.

@angelastackpro Wix has an Editor X community where you can ask your questions: