I want to design mobile viewing free from main desktop view. Is it possible?
When I design my desktop view of my website on wix studio, mobile view also affected. And the final view of mobile is too random. I want to redesign mobile view. But I’m afraid to affect the desktop view. What you suggest?
Wix Studio uses the “cascading rule,” meaning changes on larger breakpoints will trickle down to smaller breakpoints. The exception to the rule are data changes (changing an element’s link or the source of an image, etc.) and structural changes (changing the hierarchy of the page, such as moving something from its parent element—such as moving a stack to a different cell).
You can make overrides, such as position changes, which makes it possible to edit breakpoints accordingly.
This article goes into more depth: https://support.wix.com/en/article/studio-editor-designing-across-breakpoints