Unfortunately, I have no experiences in programming and the description offered on the help page is much too complicated for me.
I have 5 services, that I would like to offer on my homepage. Just the 5 basic information shoud be seen and the details shold show up, when each of the basic information is clicked on.
Also the expandet area should vanish, when another service is clicked on.
Is there an easy way or a way, that a person without programming skills can use?
Thanks for your support!
Thank you!
Unfortunately, this is what I had found on the help page and why I turned to this community. I tried it, but I have no experience with programming and this is too abstract and complicated.
When I open Corvid (which is called Dev-modus in my WIX-screen), the command field isn’t empty. I’m afraid, I will knock-out all of my work, if I’m messing something up here.
Please understand that if you are going to work with code in the product and not just the features in the user interface, you will need to familiarize yourself with basic coding concepts to accomplish what you want. There are a wealth of Javascript coding sites which will help you learn Javascript from basic to advanced - Javascript.info is a good one. The Corvid Resources page provides tutorials, examples , and articles on getting the most out of Corvid. We are happy to get you pointed in the right direction, but you’ll need to take it from there. As questions or difficulties arise, we are here to help.
I see. Since I just want to use it for five texts, I think it’s too much to learn basics of Javascript. I can’t imagine, it’s easy to learn and spending days or weeks to understand programming, seems out of proportion. Why isn’t there an easy way to use such a function in the program? Can’t you just add a box, that is offering those functionalities?
@daniela19035 Is the Hooverbox an option? You can add 5 boxes for each service.
Here is how you can add it: https://support.wix.com/en/the-wix-editor/hover-box
Unfortunately, it doesn’t offer enough space for text. I would like to have a headline and a longer text, that shows up, when you click a button.