This topic answers a question submitted at an Open Studio event. To view a list of all the questions submitted, visit this topic.
I would like to hear about updates to Online Programs
Sure! We’ve got some exciting things in the works for Online Programs. In March, we released the ability to automatically send an invoice when a program is purchased—you can read more about it in this article: Online Programs: Automatically Sending an Invoice When a Program Is Purchased | Help Center |
Online Programs is now a premium app, meaning that sites now require a site plan that accepts payments in order to allow participants to join.
We’re currently working on some highly-requested enhancements to video steps, including:
- Improvements to content security to prevent downloads
- Seamlessly importing content from the Video Library—you can vote for this feature request here: Wix Video Request: Wix Video Library Integration with Online Programs | Help Center |
- The ability to change video covers
- The ability to control video step completion, for instance by setting a required percentage watched
We’ll keep you posted on our progress.