Improving Wix Code Community

This is an open request to all Wix Code Forum members.
I am interested to hear from you about how, with my help, Wix’s help, and the help of other Forum Members and Wix Code Developers, we can make the Community around Wix Code the best it can be to meet your needs.

You can post comments directly to this post or if you prefer direct communication please feel free to use the Forum chat feature to contact me.

Please don’t think of this as a survey. Think of this as an opportunity to be heard!

I have my own thoughts on this, having been part of this community for many months, and seen many comments and thoughts from you. But I want to try to get them focused in one place for action!!

The Wix Code Forum should extend beyond being a place for tackling Wix Code problems. It is a place to build a vibrant Wix Code Community and I want to find ways to facilitate this. So here are some sample questions to get the ball rolling.

Again this isn’t a survey its a request for feedback so please don’t focus on these questions and answer them all. Pick a topic (especially if I haven’t mentioned it) and let me know!

  • How can Wix improve Wix Code documentation and your access to it?

  • Do the examples and the articles Wix offers meet your needs? If not is there something Wix can do to make them more usable or accessible?

  • Should there be a Wix Code specific Blog by Wix, complimenting the already active, and excellent Community Bloggers? If so what topics should be covered.

  • Would live webinars be useful?

Is there something that Wix can do outside of the virtual world in the REAL World!

  • What events should Wix consider delivering to the Community?

  • What support can Wix provide the Community to assist with meet ups or other activities to improve Wix Code skills and understanding?

I know we have some creative people out there so don’t hold back.

The Wix Code Community is your community we need you to help Wix understand how it can contribute to your success!!



Hey Steve and Wix Code team!
I think I have emailed a lot of thoughts since last year and many of them has been listened to and I really value the response you and your team has given me on ideas and thoughts.

  • How can Wix improve Wix Code documentation and your access to it?
    I think that the API Reference is so good so it should be tighter integrated into the Wix Code Panel in the editor itself. I also believe that the search bar in the header should be used everywhere so when someone needs help they should be forced to search through all resources first. The resources at hand are great and super for everyone.

  • Do the examples and the articles Wix offers meet your needs? If not is there something Wix can do to make them more usable or accessible?
    It is always hard to imagine what articles and examples to do for non-coders or coders to meet their needs. I would think that all Wix Code users could vote for the next example and the next article and the next video. Let all put on a board what they want, then let everyone vote and after the time expires, do the example, the article and the video on top three maybe?

  • Should there be a Wix Code specific Blog by Wix, complimenting the already active, and excellent Community Bloggers? If so what topics should be covered.
    I have said this before but will repeat myself again. Wix users is a different community that Wix Code users. These two groups should not be mixed to much, the designers should benefit of design tips on the blog and the coders should benefit of their own. If there is a designer that is also a coder he or she will read both.

  • Data Collections, Repeaters from A-Z, Creating stuff from scratch to finish, Using external data in Wix, How to make sites faster, Filtering data, CRUD Operations using Dataset and wixData and more and more… Moving your WordPress site to Wix Code?

  • Would live webinars be useful?
    I guess that it the same as content wishlist for blog. I believe that the answer is within the Wix Code Forum. Analyze the most asked questions and do webinars about that topics.

  • What events should Wix consider delivering to the Community?
    I believe that Wix will need to start events in every country in the long run to make local presence everywhere a fact. Now it is very focused to US regions and not that intensive in Europe. Find a Wix Code Evangelist on every market and then call upon users to come to events where that Evangelist can show Wix Code stuff live and answer questions and also gather user input for you and your team for further product development.

  • What support can Wix provide the Community to assist with meet ups or other activities to improve Wix Code skills and understanding?
    I think that Wix should launch a Meet up site for Wix Code Community. On that page people can create local events in their towns or regions. When the attendees RSVP on that site the event creator will get sponsorships depending on the number of RSVP. Wix can pay for pizza, beer and send giveaways. Make Wix send out giveaways to all local events with more than 10 people RSVP. After an event the event creator needs everyone to go in and rate the event and confirm with their social account that they have attended and what they liked. If the event get more than 4 stars from all attendees Wix will pay for pizza and beer and maybe even the conference room.

Other than that I believe that Wix listens to all, take in consideration on Feature Requests and has the best product I have seen in years for us to use. I think that the teams at Wix are amazing in so many ways creating the product.

I am also very happy that you have come aboard Steve to make the community better and better together with all of us. Now, things can only get better and together we will create the community that everyone will benefit from.

Last thing, Microsoft created a program that called MVP and that program went viral and became a huge success. Wix has this for designers and maybe you should have something similar for Wix Code Users. If a coder can have a badge on their site telling their customers that they are “WIX CODE MVP” that would fly high…

Good luck with everything and bless you man! Your work might be the most important task ever for Wix Code success in the future.

Hugs from Sweden in -12 degrees…

Would be good if estimated completion dates were set by WIX for Feature Requests. There are many feature requests but we have no clear visability of which ones are close to being implemented and which ones are not.

This would be a dream for all of us I guess and I also know the hardness of making this happen. I would suggest using the great product Wix Answers for Feature Requests and then we could at least know when it is the Tel Aviv owen and maybe in which quarter it is meant to go beta.

But I agree, in all new projects that maybe can be done in Wix Code this might be an divider between going with Wix Code or some other.

" Last thing, Microsoft created a program that called MVP and that program went viral and became a huge success. Wix has this for designers and maybe you should have something similar for Wix Code Users. If a coder can have a badge on their site telling their customers that they are “WIX CODE MVP” that would fly high… "

Yes, absolutely agree: this is a must-have for customers. And if Wix doesn´t start it, then some of us should do it, because it is going to be a problem in the future.
In line with this two other things: a body that offers templates for good, (cross-border) development contracts (= checklist of what you should definitely put in your Wix-development contract), guidelines for initial presentation of design (on paper or PDF, detailing what is going to be done, how, when, what not, etc) and some kind of an mediation/arbitration body when things go wrong (we have had a couple of these cases here already on this forum and they will only grow), trying to solve things (cross-border) when intentional litigation is not an option. Usually, the contract specifies which mediator/arbitrator in case of a problem and it would be an assurance for customer if an MVP-developer would adopt this.

I know that the Wix Code Forums is really focused on user to user help, but it would be great if there were more wix code savvy people to help answer questions about code. Hundreds of questions go unanswered on the forums (I even have one that has no responses in 2 weeks and i have bumped it twice). If we can’t get answers here, our only hope to finding a solution is to google search and pray or hire someone that can help and do it for us. There are no other resources or support for the non-coders.

Feature Request. Where to begin with that? Hire more developers to get stuff done. I am sure it is not easy, as i know changes to one parts of code can break 20, so careful work has to be done and then tested. I get it. However, something have been on the request for over a year. That shouldn’t happen unless they are just never going to happen. And that is fine too, but maybe inform if that is the case.

On the real world topic, maybe Coding workshops/bootcamps, either online or live. Cause while i would love to just say “learn Java and your good” close but not quite. But maybe a live training on common features of wix code, like building your own custom login/member pages. (btw, i have tried the article on it, followed it step by step, still couldn’t make it work, so I am not understanding something in it just to give an example) How to setup payment integrations, How to add external API’s to your website.

I’m part of non coder or beginner coder so big part of users. People like me understand code but are not able to creat things. So i think lots of question would be closed befor asked if there would be more examples like this

from this i can understand a lot.If some coder creat code for 20 filters. Easy filter, category filter, reference filter etc and put in online with explanation likek Steve do it would make creating website much easier. I spent sometimes 20 h to solve some stupid problem and in 21 h i find solusion somewhere in forum. If i had such examples on website i would take small parts from website and use it. You would have much more clients.

I think You have great product for small businesses. For people like me who want to do something without taking agency and want to react immidately themself if want to change without asking and paying. I love feeling that i can react and change myself everything on the website.

What would help me would be paying service for small codes. I have code but need small change so i pay something for it. Or paying forum. I mean i pay for advice and everybody can see solution. Now at forum there is so many unanswered questions or half answered that i spent lots of time reading without any sense . I understand that You Moderators have so much work and no time to answer all those questions. With examples and paying forum I would ask and moderator who will get money for answering will redirect to examples or change a bit code. It would seve us hours …:slight_smile:

Anyway WIX is great


One more thought. For example i was looking today upload button code for media gallery. So there is many posts which i read but half is useless. they are half answered or finished like “i have found solution - thanks”. My proposition is if code and halp is made than at the end of post there should be final code and some sign like “closed post”. Than i will look for answers in closed posts not those with mess. It would save me time and make first filter. Of course i can also search in not closed posts. Chris

Ohh i almost forgot, PLEASE fix the forum notification system!

Hey, this is not the forum for this but if you press Get Help! on you can pay to get fast support and help. Works daily for lots of non coders :slight_smile:

That would be awesome, it is hopeless to see feedback now. I have 810 in my bubble but can’t click it

It is now fixed! Take a look :slight_smile:

Hi Heson is just login.

In my opinion, community content must close to the user behavior.

My meaning is that
is it better to add live to the community ?
is it better to give some points for someone who create incredible post on the blog or forum ?
is it better to let the number of like for each posts become a real value can use in wix account?
is it better to change example sources code, since they are different with references documents…?
is it better to add sandbox into community, since sandbox can let viewers have an quick review and wix-coders also can sale some function or logic they create

@_dan-1 hurray!!!

hi, friends! im new user, and i havent programming knowladge, for people like me, its better if there is platform where we can get/buy some ready codes with explanation (simple explanation). It will save the time.

Just a follow up, you mean that you want to buy smaller snippets together with an explanation simple to follow? Would they be good for you if they all where in this format?

Maybe a stupid thought but once a user has marked a post as Top Comment that post should be LOCKED for further discussions from the same author.

More than once a day when I answer someone and they get the answer they start asking more and more different things in the same thread and this way is understandable but it makes the use of the forum bad because the subject might say something and instead of finding the answer fast you will see hundreds of comments that has nothing to do with the original question.

Am I wrong? I might be, I just think that forums like Stackoverflow is a huge success because of their really strict rules and ways to handle posts.

There are a lot of times where I read examples/tutorials and when I get the very bottom, I’m still scratching my head or I’ve tried what was suggested and it still doesn’t work. To top things off, there is always this:

" Did this help? If not, click “No” to contact support. "

Well, I can tell you from experience, “support” does not support your questions in any way. They either point you right back to where you started or direct you over to the forum. That being said, the quote above should read

" Did this help? If not, not my problem. "

Here is where I would like to see an improvement. Instead of asking if it helps, why not link a forum topic to the page (probably better than comment section). The forum topic could be moderated by the one who created the post (or some other Wix developer who knows what is fully going on). Then people like me who have specific questions with regards to the post don’t get the run around and left stranded without an answer.

I agree fully with the last thing you said. Stackoverflow does it right. Wix should not try to reinvent the wheel. They should either copy their model…DONE. I don’t know why it’s even a debate.

I agree that “Did this help?” should be auto posted after 4 hours when no answer or top comment is marked. If you as a user clicks NO then it should be send to some priority support.

The faster solutions and answers Wix will be able to deliver the more people will use it. Speed in service is the only thing worth anything today.