[INTERFACE] Dark Mode, Menus & more

Although the new white theme is meant to look professional and sophisticates, it resembles Google Docs and Squarespace too much and it’s not that great (I did not pick SquareSpace to build website precisely because of their eye straining and text based interface).

Please give us a DARK MODE option because the white is unbearable to look at, especially since there is only minimal hints of blue to alleviate it and it’s very eye straining at night. This would improve the interface tremendously.

I also want to point out that the left side menu is too wide and depending on the tab you press sometimes it covers half of your website preview. One way to fix this is to replace some of the tab text with symbols instead (which would make it feel more visual and intuitive) and resize some icons that appear when you press tabs, so that the menu would be overall narrower and less invasive.

I have also noticed some inconsistencies with menu animations . There are some menus that gray out the rest of screen when you press on them and some that do not. I find that in the first case you are taken out of the immersive experience that designing a website is supposed to be so I ask you to fix this because it acts too much like a pop up.

The blue shading on the blue text when a tab is open makes the interface look very outdated.

I am really liking the new responsive builder and recent features being added, but the interface needs some work!



I’m Anna from the Editor X Product team.
Our team is always looking for inspiration from our users’ suggestions and ideas. I will pass your feedback on to the rest of the Editor X team.

Thank you for your feedback and please feel free to reach out again if you have any more questions or ideas for us.

Have a great day!

Thank you for your reply.
I have updated the post with more feedback on the interface.

Is this a real possibility for development or just an idea? I would like to know. I mostly edit my websites at night, and the new white interface is a deal breaker. :confused:

Dark mode interface would be awesome. I prefer dark mode…everything. :smiley:

There’s an image on the main page of the EditorX site (before loging in) that shows a small screenshot of the EditorX interface in dark mode. There was also an introduction video that briefly showed it too. Apparently they are working on it indeed (°0°)