Since a week, my live website (www.meetthefossyls.com) has some problems concerning the Pro Gallery, which can be found here: https://www.meetthefossyls.com/meet-the-fossyls . Normally, if you click on an image, it will redirect to a dynamic page with the corresponding species, but that doesn’t work anymore. It worked for months, but no idea what changed.
I’ve tried:
- different browsers;
- incognito modus;
- other devices;
- other people’s phones/laptops;
- to remake the webpage;
- to change the links to the corresponding species;
… but none are working.
The individual dynamic pages are working, like this one: https://www.meetthefossyls.com/meetthefossyls2/Palaeotis-weigelti . And the weird thing is that in preview mode, the links are working and everything is fine, so the problem only exists on the live website. I haven’t done anything with code to construct this Pro Gallery, so this is just a basic gallery.
I hope someone is able to tell me what’s wrong with my page!
Thank you in advance!
Simple answer with this, if you are using a dataset with a gallery to populate with images from it, then you are better off using just a normal Wix Gallery.
Do not use the Wix Pro Gallery as that is technically a Wix app and the settings within can conflict with your code that you have used as it is not intentionally to be used with code on your page.
Thanks for the reply. When looking through the different gallery types and app store, I can’t find a gallery called Wix Gallery, other than Wix Pro Gallery. Where can I find it?
Thanks, but those galleries are all Pro Galleries
They are not all Pro Galleries, that is only the galleries in the top section.
Hey, I am having the same issue on my site. Never had a problem now suddenly the links are not working. Did you ever resolve this or find out what caused it?
I’m also experiencing the same problem now
If you also have the problem then it’s probably a wide glitch and the guys at WIX are taking care of it
Anyway I opened a ticket and I am waiting for them to get back to me from the support
I spent 2 hours on phone with them today with no fix. They said it wasn’t a known problem but maybe it is now! They escalated it so will let you know if I get a fix. Otherwise… good luck!
I wish it would work out for you soon
My problem is fixed and the links are working now,
The support has not yet returned to me, it worked out on its own.
Hi Laura and Uriel! It’s a while ago, but I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. In the end, I decided to delete the gallery and do it another way, but that didn’t work out either. After some time, probably like a month, I tried to redo the gallery again and since then, it works fine. So no idea where the problem really lies, but it’s ‘good’ to see other people have the same problem too so Wix can do something about it!
Mine sorted itself out after a couple of days by itself. I spent hours on the phone with Wix and they weren’t able to recreate the problem. They said it was working fine for them. Which was strange because I tried a few devices and it wasn’t working. Anyways. All good now. A little dissapointing that after escalating the issue Wix only got back to me yesterday to reaffirm that they saw no issues. 8 days later. Not great.