Issues with CKeditor

Hey guys, I am in beta testing for my holiday rental site and having a weird issue.

In the back end I have a properties page listing every property and an ‘add property’ and an ‘edit property’ page (dynamic). All working fine for testing for me, on both the live site and preview. However for the customer, on the edit property page the rich text editor is not displaying their inputted text, unless they reload?? Can Tal or some other awesome person help please?

Property Page is:

Edit page: is accessed off the relevant repeater item by clicking the pencil.

Add Property Page: book-the-best

Thank you so much - this is very strange!!


I cloned your site (so I wouldn’t mess up your real site) and tried it out. I guess I don’t quite understand what you are you trying to do.

I clicked on a pencil and then modified the text for the property. After clicking the Submit button the new text is correctly saved and the display returns to the list of repeaters. What am I missing?


Thanks Yisrael. So my customers and other testers add a new property, add text to the rich text editor then save. Then when they go back to edit the property via the pencil icon, the rich text editor text has not saved their text and is all gone?? I can’t recreate the issue, but it does happen for them. Can you please check my edit page and make sure my code is correct, as it seems like it is not pulling in the info for the rich text editor for them? Thanks again Yisrael

HI Yisrael, could you please take a look for me?