Loading speed and preloades

So i’m trying to figure out a way to make my site faster espicly on mobile. i’ve tried everthing really but it dosent seem to help. so if any one has a clue how to speed up the site i will be really glad to know how to do so :).

and my second quastion for you guys,has some one figured out way to make a really good preload screen? i’ve been using this : https://www.wix.com/corvid/forum/community-discussion/real-preloader-on-a-wix-website/p-3 but it dosent seem to work really well for me. the site is just keeps loading after the preload as done loading up (mobile)

I only use a preloader like as shown in the linked forum post on desktop.

For mobile sites I just simply use Wix own welcome page for mobile.

thanks! it’s make the UX way more better! do you know any way to improve site’s loading speed?