MailChimp Integration - Editor X. I can't find the integration in the App Store, but there seems to be one on Wix. Am I missing something?

Try searching for “Mailchimp forms my Mailmunch”. You will need a premium subscription to add it to your Editor X website.

Hi Lewis, thanks for your email. I did that earlier but if I want a customised form I need to pay $8/month for the box. A simple/free integration seems to be available for WIX but not in Editor X ? The Mailchimp/Mailmunch has 2 average forms at no cost, but all the others are $. Also all the templates show email only, not name and phone number. I am not sure if you can add other fields, but I need to pay for the privilege of looking. Very frustrating. It should be a very simple process to connect a custom form to MailChimp. Basic functionality.

