Mailchimp Integration with Editor X

How do I integrate Mailchimp with my Editor X site? All of the tutorials show this is possible with Wix but cannot find anything on Editor X. Can someone please help me with this? I use Mailchimp and would like to be able to use it on my website. Thanks

Hi @robertandfionaspiter !

We do apologize for the late reply.

Mailchimp integration is available via this TPA: Mailchimp Forms by MailMunch

To use this app, you need to have a Premium Plan and a connected domain .

Try to install it from App market and let us know if you have any questions.

Have a good day!

Is there a way to do this directly without having to use a third party app? I don’t really want to have to pay for MailMunch to use Mailchimp. I have seen videos showing that in the Wix dashboard there is a direct integration with Mailchimp but this is not the case with EditorX.

@robertandfionaspiter Hi again Rob!

Unfortunately, the old way to add Mailchimp via dashboard has been removed about 1 year ago. It is not available on both Wix and Editor X. I will pass your feedback to the relevant team.

For now, you have 2 TPA in the App market that offer Mailchimp integration:

Mailchimp Forms by MailMunch

Mailchimp Integration by PoCo