Maximum Width Option

Oh man! Please make this happen! Can’t believe it’s not an option already. Having sections become HUGE and just blow off the screen is really annoying and looks ridiculous.


@Iain_Carnegie Hey! I moved this to the Wishlist category for better visibility. Be sure to submit this feature request! Head on over to the Product Roadmap and click the ‘Request a Feature’ button. Another person recently said they wanted this, too.

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Yes. Please, please, PLEASE make this happen. I had to abandon my Wix Studio site and go back to Classic Editor because it uses a max width by default and none of the workarounds for Wix Studio worked for me.

This is my #1 wishlist / feature request for Studio.

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This is the only reason why I abandoned studio and went back to editor x. It feels as though every time wix is releasing a new product, it is taking few steps back instead of building on what’s already working. Very frustrating.

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I spent a lot a time to know how to use a fixed max width design to avoid poor Ultra wide screen design. I found a way by setting a 3x1 grid layout on each section with :

  • min max 10% 1fr
  • min max Auto 1440px
  • min max 10% 1fr

Where 10% is the minimum margin I want, and 1440px is the max width.

However I have to do this setup on each section :confused: It is very time consuming :confused:
You should also set a max size on auto scalable font and propably disable scalability in margins

Good news! There is now a current feature request for this! Be sure to follow it! (It’s already in the ‘Planned’ stage :wink:) Studio Editor Request: Setting the Max Width Value of a Site


We are very excited to let you know that max-width has begun rolling out! We know this has been requested for a long while now, so this should help while designing and viewing the site. :smile: See the announcement here!