Hello -
I am struggling trying to find the best way to create a workflow for my members as they sign up. Here is what I am looking to do:
-The user clicks on sign up
-They are prompted to enter the standard fields on the PrivateMembersData table (e.g., First Name, Last Name, email, password, etc).
-I would also like to add additional fields to this form for the person registering to fill out.
-The user will then click save and all of the data is either saved in one table (preferably PrivateMembers Data or onto another data collection.
-I would also like to give the user the ability to view and edit the data that they enter during the registration process.
I have tried creating custom fields through the contacts form and this seems to work, although I can’t seem to locate the table where the data is stored for these custom fields. I have followed this tutorial here: htt ps://support.wix. com/en/article/corvid-tutorial-creating-a-custom-registration-form-with-code
I have also tried to create a custom collection to store the data similar to this article here:
but Wix doesn’t seem to want to let do this all on the same form as the registration process. I followed this process here htt ps://www.wixtrainingacademy. com/post/how-to-create-a-custom-member-profile-registration-process-in-wix-wix-corvid-tutorial?postId=5ef58a95257dcd0018dd3915
This seems like a very simple use case, but there doesn’t appear to be a very straight forward way to accomplish this. If anyone has any examples of something similar to this workflow they would be willing to share I would really appreciate it.
Thank you in advance,