I recently used the new multi-state box on an EditorX site for a client. I query a collection and then provide two alternate views of that data in the M-S box, and detect rollover activity on a pair of elements above the box on the page. It works fine and the client is very happy.
However, they have asked that I add menu access to allow a site user to select the relevant view from the menu. I thought I could do this by having two urls for the page - one as it is today www.mysite.com/jobs and the other www.mysite.com/jobs/page?type=state2 . Then I detect which of these is used from the page code and show the relevant state.
This works OK when navigating from completely different page - as my code detects which state should be displayed at load, but when I am on www.mysite.com/jobs already, selecting the state2 menu item does not drive any change on-screen, as browsers don’t recognise the new URL to require a reload.
I have toyed with wixLocation.onChange() but it appears to only work with application pages, which this page is not.
Any high level suggestions as how to come at this?