Multi-Line User-Input Text Box

Hey there,

I don’t know if I am overseeing an option but I’ve seen it on other sites. I have put a textbox field on a form but when typing it keeps going on forever on a straight line. I haven’t seen an option to make it jump to the next line.

Here is a video to show: Description Box Wix (Multi-Line) - YouTube

Hay Jason,

We did not get your video. I have just checked and I can enter multiline text in a text box in site preview. Can you share more details about what is not working?

Sorry, here is the link Yoav: Description Box Wix (Multi-Line) - YouTube

Hay Jason,

Can it be you are using an Input and not a Text Box element? One way to make sure, is while you are in the editor, hover over the element. You will get that blue / gray label on the top left of the element which should either say Input or Text Box.


When hovering over the Text Box element it says #textInput3:

I am so so sorry, I oversaw the Text Box element instead of the simple input. Ignore my post!