Hello comunity! I have a big problem, i started few days ago to work for a personal website and i can’t create some filters like of this site / similar ( http://a2bikes.co.uk/browse ) , there are a lot of filters and checkboxes and I can’t find to create same exactly like that for my website.
Thanks a lot !
This is very similar to a recent post on this forum…
That website is done with Lavarel which is php, so it is not going to be the same setup as Wix.
There are examples that you can see here about it.
Otherwise, if you can’t find the exact same setup that you want, then you will have to look into making it up yourself.
If you don’t want to make it up yourself or there is no example that you can simply copy and paste to your site, then look into the Wix Arena to find somebody who can for you.
It’s possible of course, you just need to set different filters for different options, your powerful friend is the if…else if…else
Yes, but how can i make somethink like that? I dont know programing and the example from top is wrong or i dont need that.