Multiple pick up location for wix shop feature

I know this isn’t possible to do with the built in Wix Shop. My question is how expensive/difficult would it be to adapt or develop a shop for a bakery with 3 locations so they can sell online?

Would this require a shop system be built from scratch?


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You can do a basic workaround by stating pickup locations with 0 cost under the the shipping section of the dashboard… I expect this can be coded though :slight_smile:

What if you have multiple shops within the same region? Any workarounds?

I have the same problem too, i have 14 stores and i forced to have only 1 as a store pick up method, i used to have em all with 0 fees in delivery method but the problem was that wix didn’t let me to re arrange the locations so 14 stores were at first and then last the actual shipping method, then customer then should drag down to find it and most of them selected an store pick point with zero fees despite the fact that they needed shipping and not store pick up( i don’t know why, probable they confused because they are all in the same section) so i removed them all and i let just 1 store in the section store pick up. I am waiting almost 2 years to fix em but nothing, i think this feature must be implemented as it is basic and necessary for some