Store Tweak Questions! - Shipping for multiple pick up locations in same state

Hello fellow Experts!

I have an request from a new client through the Arena to add 2 schools to her delivery locations to her store, she is a private chef and is expanding from home delivery into delivering meals to sponsored private schools for her clients kids. I used the “Pick up location” location option for 1 of the schools but am not able to add a second one…I am not code educated enough yet and am wondering if anyone has suggestions. Here are here 3 requests I am trying to troubleshoot :slight_smile:

  1. On the “Cart Page” under “Order Now” I want the users to have the option to choose between two pick-up locations. I’d like them to be labeled as - SCHOOL #1 NAME

  2. On the “Thank You” page under “Order Now” I’d like to just have it say the following (SEE BELOW)
    Seattle, WA

  3. Last, is it possible to customize the checkout page? For the “Shipping Details” I would like the customers to only have the options of:
    SCHOOL 1
    SCHOOL 2
    That way they don’t get confused about where their order is going… let me know if that works.

An easier way to do this might be to have a location as an item (for free) and have them add that to the basket. Pickup location. Items that are grouped together in the basket will at least make it clear to the chef where it goes.

As far as code - that might be a tall order. I’m not sure if you can do all the things you are wanting. :frowning:

Hi Brett,

Yes I agree this is out of my realm in terms of customizing, learning code more in depth is on my list for this year! - I am wondering tho, why doesn’t wix allow you to add multiple store locations in their settings? There is a setting for store pick up, but I can only add 1 store should be able to add multiple stores if the option is already built in no?

That work you suggested would work for sure thank you, my concern is for her user experience. What I am thinking tho is this could be a useable work around for now and I would like to refer her to another expert for coding her checkout the way she would like to. I had assumed that because wix allows you to enter store pick ups that this wouldn’t have been an issue for multiple locations :frowning:

What I am thinking about doing so the user experience is customized the way she is hoping for is creating 2 sub stores for each location, this is a longer process but may give her what she wants until she can afford someone to change the code in her site?

Thank you Brett! I am still navigating my way through being a new expert!

Hi Brett, please see my screen shot below, according to wix there is no free items and I am not able to enter a 0 value to the item…