Need help!!!! Custom form and database not working on live site

Hi my question is kind of related to a WIX official video about How to Create a Custom Form and Connect It to a Database, by Corvid WIX.

Everything was successful by following the instruction in the video but nothing works when the site was published and goes live. Essentially, the form submission isn’t responding nor any data has been collected in the connected data collection table, but if I test the features in Preview mode they worked perfectly. The funny part is the video stops exact at the point where I’m facing the issues here, anybody know how to fix this problem? Thanks a lot!

Hey @ruilin ,

Let’s see if we can help you out here. First of all, is the permissions of your custom database set properly from gathering data from site visitors?

You can read more about permissions here .

Hi Robert! I changed the permission setting and it did work! Thank you very much for responding to my query!

Great! I’m so glad to hear this. :star_struck: