[New Feature] Library Assets Wiring and Styles Preview

Hey Builders!
Now you can choose to import assets from a design library with their library styles or switch them over to your site’s typography and colors.
In addition, you can now preview your Library Styles in the Assets panel and apply them to your site.

For more information on creating Design Libraries visit here


I like where these design library’s are going. I like being able to save assets and re-use them.

I really want them to function like “theme templates” which it looks like that’s the direction you’re going…which is exciting.

Along those lines though…we REALLY need a way to make these asset library’s dynamic/linkable/connected so we can make quick global changes by changing assets in the library and having them change anywhere we’ve used them.

An example of what I mean:
I have a design library for each client/website I’m creating. I have all the custom assets I’ve created in the library (ex. buttons, icons, sections, containers, stacks, type styles, etc.), then use them various places across the website. THEN when/if I make changes to these assets in the design library it will change all the instances of that asset on the site.

Using Wix terminology something like a “dynamic” design library.

Awesomeness with few clicks! Thanks for the update Jonathan.

Also variable text and spacing is definitely a godsend for responsiveness but right now it’s such a pain to have to do it manually for each title or paragraph.

Or maybe I’m just and idiot and there is a way to NOT have to set them manually?

Why can’t we set variable text and spacing in the theme manager for headings/paragraphs, etc.? This would save me HOURS of time and would be so helpful if you want to make changes/revisions.

Instead of delivering more features for multisite usage, it would be great to concentrate on proper design system requirements for a single site purpose. I assume you have more customers with a single site than customers with multiple sites. And these customers would highly appreciate if the design system capabilities cover common uses cases and is more stable.

Very nice and I would like to see more😍