Newbie - Blog question

Hi, Im a newbie and I have a site on Weebly which I’m redoing on Wix as far better! Now im most likely being stupid, but my plan is to have different pages and on each page I want to have a forum, just for that page subject, as I like the style of a forum and means people can leave comments on the subject matter as well.

Issue is I cant seem to do this, it just shows every forum post and cant figure out what im doing wrong, or if it just isnt possible! I tried linking the post to categories in the hope that will then just show that category on the page… but it doesn’t! Any advice would be much appreciated!

The Forum app is intended to be a standalone thing with its own index that basically does everything for you. So one thing you could do is use a dynamic page connected to a database and have a URL field in your database that connects to your forum link. You can get your forum links by going to the thread after it’s published. This is probably the easiest option for you.