Personalised product order form

Hi all,

I am trying to build a customisable product order for my surfboard company. I am looking to do something like that:

Is it possible to make a custom form which would impact the view of the product real-time as above? As well as the price? I am thinking of layering out many .png images and make them appear/disappear based on the selection of the form using js code. But I am not sure if it’s wise to do so.

Then I’d need to send all the details to the shop database which could be fine but would be possible to get the photo as well of the customised board?

Can you please let me know your thoughts before I start learning javascript? :slight_smile:

Many thanks,

Much (if not all) of what you want to do is possible. You should be aware that what you are describing is not trivial and will be a challenge for beginner coders. If you are already a coder, but just need to learn Javascript (and Wix Code) then you’ll have a much easier time and you’ll have fun. As you embark on your learning journey, we’ll be here to help you get pointed in the right direction.

Feel free to post any questions here.

Have fun and good luck,


Hi Yisrael, thanks for your answer, much appreciated. I can start learning .js (and Wix code) with a mind at peace :slight_smile:

Hi Yisrael, hope you are well.

I have made the custom surfboard page where you can edit color, and some few specs (for now). Very excited and happy with the result! Wix code so far has been amazing…

I do need a bit of guidance if possible in terms of moving forward with integrating it so that one can complete purchase. Should I look to submit all data directly into the Store’s “Products” database or submit the data in a separate database and then integrate it to the Store somehow?
If it’s the former then I would imagine that I can’t add fields in the Wix Store db and therefore should I concatenate all my custom fields in one of the Store’s text fields?

Many thanks in advance for your help!


@Yisrael, do you have any thoughts please ? :smiley:

Hi, any thoughts please ? :'O