Hi, I am trying to implement a private area for members in in mebers area in order to create a space for multiple file uploading, downloadig and updating. The interface shoul be like the virtual drive allowing to the member to upload personal data, fertificates, apostilles and other personal documents for start paperwork in several public administration in europe.
I have create a privete area an put the upload button and ths submit butoon to a data collection set with a Multidocument field. I have reach the goal to upload the files and have in the collection, the multidocument fiel, date of creation, date of uploading and the _owner who uploadaded the files. but I need to present an interface to show the files uploaded, delte, modify and download them. the interface should be like the libray widget.
The docuemnts needs to be accesible ONLY for the memen that owned the file and the wix site administrator for use in the paperwork on the backoffice. no other member should see the personal documents uploaded.
Does exist some example, widget or tutorial for this feature? or the only way is to coding that from scratch?
I would like something like that, but not sharing the files with other visitor or members, and this widget is for the library and i canto connect this with the data collection of the member to only show an mange its own files