Product Page Thumbnail Images

Where does Wix Studio pull images for product page thumbnail images?

Currently, it’s pulling images that have white backgrounds, although all connected images to the products have had their backgrounds removed.

I’ve not been able to find any setting within Wix Studio that affects this. The images linked to the products and their various colourways does not seem to change this either.

An image has been attached displaying what I’m talking about.

If anyone can help me out with this that would be great!

Wix Studio

What are you trying to achieve:
I’d like the thumbnails to display product images without the white backgrounds. Like the ones that have been connected to the products themselves.

What have you already tried:
I’ve gone through every setting I could find within the editor, changing opacities on background fills, but nothing seems to affect this. I’ve also made sure that the connected images are in fact the ones that have their backgrounds removed.

Additional information:
[Include any other pertinent details or information that might be helpful for people to know when trying to answer your question.]

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What format are your images?

I used 32bit PNG with a transparent background, but I use EditorX and never create something like what you did but those kinds of images worked for my use case.

Therefore, I mention it.

I’m using png as well.

I got this to work on the Editor on the previous site, but wanted to change over to Studio as it feels more intuitive… perhaps I’m wrong!

Well, Studio is rather new and things like this can perhaps be added later on, because I do agree with you that it would look nicer with a transparent background, and I hope they add this.

Problem is you also need to make it very clear to your visitor that they can interact with them and this needs to be dummy proof.

While I took EditorX for a very long test drive, I learned to “code” but am aware not all can or have the time to do so but I did so because I read a lot of post about wanting changes of prebuild elements, and by doing so, you could create your own or mimick them just like you want.

However, this is store related and I am not sure if you can code this yourself when payment options are linked to it.