Is there a way to set up a Wix pricing plan and service so that a user can purchase pricing plan after the start of a session for the service and apply that pricing plan to that session?
It sometimes happens that someone wants to attend a class but they don’t have a valid pricing plan that can be applied to that class. The obvious solution would be to tell them to purchase a pricing plan, and have the instructor or admin create a booking and redeem the session from that new pricing plan. However, Wix doesn’t seem to allow that. The user can purchase a pricing plan, but if the plan is purchased after the scheduled start of the session Wix doesn’t allow it to be redeemed for the session.
I guess there is a check somewhere that the starting date/time of the plan is after the start time of the session.
Is there some setting somewhere in either the service or the pricing plan that would allow that check to be overridden?
Logically, it seems reasonable that there must be some way to allow someone to attend a class if they purchase a valid pricing plan 5 minutes after the start time of the class. Or even attend the class, go home and purchase a plan, and have an admin charge the booking to the new plan.