Using lightboxes or expandable video within a repeater

I have created a repeater that successfully links to a dataset. One of the elements that I would like to display within the repeater is a video but when adding a “single video player” the video displays very small and I would like to have the ability for the video to expand upon start of the video.

Wix Video has the capability to customize the layout to do so, but you CAN’T use Wix Video within a repeater.

I have tried creating a lightbox to create this layout/functionality but cannot get the light-box to connect to the repeater properly (so the video within the lightbox associates with the correct item in the dataset) .

I have seen some Corvid forum discussions that discuss this that include code to so, but using the code is a bit beyond my capability. Is it not a capability using the Wix editor without having to customize code?

I think this example here would be very interesting for you…