Running Club Bookings

I manage the website for a small running club in the UK. During the current Covid situation we need to limit our running groups to 6 people maximum. To do this I’d like to add a booking page to our website where members need to book into a time slot to join a session. My requirements are;

  • Sessions limited to 6 people (could change in the future)

  • Sessions are free to book

  • Members can see who is booked in the same session (so they can communicate off website)

  • Sessions must be recurring (so I don’t have to add them each week)
    Is there a way to acheive this without spending a fortune? I currently have a Premium Combo plan.
    Any advice would be welcome

Hi there, I recommend checking the articles listed here or contacting our customer care team for assistance.

Hi Steven, Thanks for the link. I think I’d browsed most of the list in the link. How do I contact the customer care team? I cound’t find a contact method?

Hey Teresa! You should contact our customer care center here or here .

Hi - this is something you can achieve with wix bookings - which supports limit number of participants , recurring patterns, free or paid services.

you can browse here for list of features and start your site -