Is there any sort of ‘boilerplate’ privacy policy available for Wix users, even something as a starting point for those using just primary Wix Studio and official Wix apps?
Wix Studio
What are you trying to achieve:
The site just uses Wix Stores and Wix Forms apps along with the built-in functionality. We will NOT be using Wix Members, which I believe would store some sensitive information. The store is pretty straight-forward, so whatever customer information would be traditionally entered when using Wix Stores. And there is just a single simple Contact form with typical contact fields. This does appear to create Contacts and Inbox messages.
Our client is just not going to know what exactly Wix is storing, especially with the Store functionality, let alone how to word that and turn that into a decent privacy policy. It would seem like with the number of Wix users overall, if many are using mostly built-in Wix functionality, there must be some examples of privacy policies that could be easily modified or used straight off.
On a similar note, wondering about a Cookie Consent Banner. They won’t have any idea what all cookies Wix uses and stores to work properly. If, for the sake of argument, they are not using any 3rd-party marketing or analytics on the site, is this even necessary (there is a chance of some traffic coming from outside the U.S.)?