#Text scaling #desktop #min-max
I don’t find the “scale” option in the global site styles useful at all.
It could have been useful if I could at least add values to it,
but now it just goes from infinity to 3 (!) pixels.
So I adjust manually a custom min-max for text, on each breakpoint.
(Yes, plenty of work.)
Now, mobile and tablet have boundaries - no mobile under 320, no tablet above 1000 etc.
Any min-max I put, I know exactly when it stops or start changing.
An exception is the desktop - it’s maximum is not infinite, but still, even if I work for 1920 screen, there are much wider screens.
It means that on desktop my maximum is not definitive, but only truth for the size I design on.
On wider screens it will grow beyond.
I believe the solution is to create a bigger breakpoint where I will “freeze” all text sizes.
It’s not a problem in any other element, as I can give max values to sections, containers, images, repeaters and more.
So apparently I can fix the max size of almost everything, except for the size of the text, on desktop…
On desktop it’s not “within a custom range” as it says, but can grow beyond if the screen is wider.
It’s not “max.” in the same way it is used in all other cases on the size panel.
I think the UI should relate to this somehow, because it is quite confusing.
(Actually I thought the “custom” will fix the range, but it would not.)
I understand the logic of it, but I believe it should give some more option at this point, beyond the linear logic.
What do you think?