Scroll and Ongoing Triggers?

Is this something that is new? When I go into the triggers section of the interaction panel it shows scroll and ongoing along with click and hover. I feel like scroll and ongoing weren’t there before and I can’t seem to find anything that talks about them anywhere.


it seems that it was opened to a small group of users

Ongoing Animations got to have same preset concept of the hover interactions
And scroll animation should be the animation on scroll (I won’t tell something new here :grin:)

So if those options appear for us then we are part of the group?
I can’t seem to get them to work how I feel like they should :sweat_smile: Maybe I’m just inept, though.

I will clarify on how this is going to work, information I shared was the general info I have on this. Could you also send here the screenshot on how it is looking for you?

The features seem to no longer be available to me. I guess I have been removed from the small group of users :laughing:

it could be, no official release was done yet, so it could happen
still, features are in plan for this year

These features were rolled out by mistake and have since been retracted.