Secion Cell Grid size wont change no matter what

Hello. I have a section divided into cells, one bigger on the left ( for images) one smaller on the right with text. In the bigger one,i set TABS. inside each i added a gallery, and filled it with images. Then i removed some. Unfortunately the size of the whole cell didn’t adjust to it. So i ended up with 1000px of empty space below it and absolutaly no idea how to change the size if that empty space. Ive added another section below it hoping i will be able to push it up, but not luck. Ive tried changing the Sectiong Grid settings for each row but that only makes it worse - It shifts whole gallery UP , literaly through the top edge of the page… I cant just grab the handles and shift it - it doesnt do anything. When i try changing any values for the height manualy, it snaps back to the wrong size, wont let me change it. Something is keeping that height at that massive value of like 9000px… Any tips on how to work with tabs/galleies inside cells, would be apreciated.

additional info: right cell for text is set to Sticky Top. That works only if i divide the whole cell into 2. But that kind of divded the left Cell as well. Not sure if that the way to do it, with the sticky text.

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Also the header wont stick to the top, i dont understand this. its the same page as the others.