Send an automated email after an email has been marked as fulfilled

I would like to automate the following task on my Wix website:

if an order is picked up or delivered locally, then I would like to send an email asking the client for feedback 24 hours after the order has been marked as fulfilled in WIX.

The feedback email should say:
“Dear ,
I hope you are well.
I was wondering whether the canelés were enjoyed?
Bonne journée, Vincent”

If an order is shipped then I would like to send the same email but 7 days after the order has been marked as fulfilled in WIX.

Please see below snippings for clarification.

Kind regards, Vincent

Create a workflow triggered by order fulfillment status (local pickup, Official Site, local delivery, or shipped), setting delays of 24 hours for local orders and 7 days for shipped ones. Design a personalized feedback email with the desired message, incorporating dynamic fields for customer names. Integrate the workflow with your email service provider or Wix’s built-in capabilities, and thoroughly test before activating for future orders.

Workflows are soon going to be depreciated, so I would not recommend them.

I think you would need to use a bit of code. You can use wix-stores-backend to achieve this.
Here is the exact API that you might have to use: onFulfillmentsUpdated - Velo API Reference -