Setting Wix form display sequence.

Hi, I created a wix form with 3 columns.

field1. field4 . field7.
field2. field5. field8.
field3. field6. field9.

I assume & expected that the mail’s display fields sequence (also in the dB collection file) will be vertical first on column 1 and then continuing with column 2 and so on - according to the order above.

When I run the site, fill out the form and submit it, I receive a mail with a horizontal sequence.
field 2

How could I set the display sequence according to my requested order?

Changing from horizontal to vertical and vice versa?
Setting any fields sequence with no dependency on their physical location at the form?

Seems to me a trivial request, but unfrtunatly, I didn’t find any explanation/ solution in Wix support/ forums.

I saw some answers related to the TAB sequence. I’ve tried them but it didn’t solve the problem.

I’ll appreciate any help to proceed from here, thanks.

Hello shirion.eldad,

i do not see any code of you. ???

Hi Dima, I didn’t write any code, just used the Wix form tool from the dashboard.

Ok and thats exatly the problem on my opinion.
You are using ready2go Apps/Widgets/Templates, which which are already programmed and have their own behaviour.
I do not use very much of ready-soft, i just try to create everything by my own.

Because, then i exactly know how my CODE works, what my CODE is able to do and which features are build in my code.

So if you are using ready2go-apps like WixForms you will encounter barriers.
In such situations you can for example do a search in the this forum, perhaps you will find a similar post to your issue, or you can contact the Wix-Support which you will easely find on this site…

Question: Why you do not create your own custom form ?

Yes, I wrote this post, hoping to get some help from someone that had the same problem with Wix form. I don’t want to write code, prefer to use Wix tools.

I am also trying to get Wix suuport assistance.

Thanks for your answer, Eldad.