Hi! We are trying to utilize our shopping cart as a quote form that would allow customers to add the items to the cart and then submit the cart for a custom quote from our sales department. We are trying to HIDE all pricing associated with the item and in the cart. We can hide individual prices (in the item) but when we do this, it does not allow the “add to cart” button to work. Is it possible to add items at Zero Dollar value and/or hide all pricing in the shopping cart. Thanks for the help!
I am having the same problem. Can we please update this - it is 2018 and your wix store is basic at best.
Currently it is not possible to use your existing Wix Stores cart for doing so,
We are working on eCommerce APIs that are supposed to be released soon
In case you think there is still a missing feature please post a request in
Any updates as I’m waiting for this as well
Need this feature asap! A quote builder would help a lot!
Check this out …
This is critical to how our business works. I can’t build the site without it. I don’t need to hide prices, I just need to be able to quote freight and apply discounts.
I am having the same problem. Can we please update this - it is 2018 and your wix store is basic at best.
I am having the same problem. Can we please update this - it is 2018 and your wix store is basic at best.
I can’t begin to tell you how fustrated it’s been throughout this whole process and having a e-commerce site. What i did was build out the eccomerce page with shopify.com Much better than Wix E-commerce
Any updates on that? I am having the same problem as well, it has been 1 year already
I think they believe that forms are sufficient. This is not sufficient.
Wix is totally obsolete ! They do not follow with their customers. I have to redo my website from scratch with another editor ! It is super simple to just change the destination link from the payment button but Wix Team are too lazy to do it or even letting us doing it ! Shame on you Wix Team !
any updates, this thread seems dead but we do need the option
I have a tutorial that shows how to perform this with a single item if using the Wix Stores app. There are several creative approaches you can take if you want to have multiple items. (You would probably have to add some type of value on the item, then create your own repeater to connect to store database collection, obviously not connecting price, then coding an ‘add to cart’ function. Finally at the end you would probably have to get all cart items and then code the notifications to yourself.)
My tutorial link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSDOUquQxsU
Code links that may interest you:
add to cart: https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/$w.CartIcon.html#addToCart
view cart: https://www.wix.com/corvid/reference/wix-stores-backend.html#Cart
Is it possible multiple products instead of individual quotes?
Any update on this feature " We are trying to utilize our shopping cart as a quote form that would allow customers to add the items to the cart and then submit the cart for a custom quote from our sales department. "
No answer from Wix, I really find it very easy to enable a quote option inside the shopping cart. I found the following video in YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSDOUquQxsU it is a partial option.