I am running into a problem I cannot solve, so I hope somebody else can. This is the situation:
- I have a site with Ownership transferred. That means I am Admin, not Owner
- site has gone beta
- I need to change collection field types (from URL to text)
- the most important form is an Update Property form which is Member specific and does not run in Preview Mode, only in Published Mode
- if I overwrite current DB to Sandbox I can make my changes, but in the mean time, while I am changing and editing, users could have made changes. Therefor, I cannot sync my Sandbox copy back, I will overwrite any changes they made since I made a copy
- since the form does not run in Preview, all my mistakes and changes could be visible to users
- I cannot make a copy of the page, do my work there and than delete old/rename new to old because we cannot make copies of Dynamic pages
Therefore, I am stuck: the only way out I see is wait till late midnight, lock the site, do my work on live db and Published page, then go sleep on the couch, for my wife has declared my officially insane.
Is there really no other solution to this?