Site Members being added but we don't have links

We do not want people becoming members on our site. We have removed the links. But are still getting people signing up. Is there a way to just turn off this feature? How are people finding it?


you can just delete members area from your site.

What would you want to archive? Would you like to register thier emails only, but without a login featueres? Please be more specific

We don’t want people having a login at all. We don’t want members. I’m trying to figure out how people can even find this on our site. Or preferably disable the function.

So here is the solution I [suppose:](suppose:
Site Members: Deleting Your Members Area | Help Center |
[Site Members: Deleting Your Members Area | Help Center |](suppose:
Site Members: Deleting Your Members Area | Help Center |

BTW: You don’t need to install “members” on a new WiX page, or only adapt some parts of it. Just give a better view of what would you like to archive and I’ll help you if possible