Hi! I’m really having trouble editting my website. First it went smoothly, no problems. But now it keeps on freezing, anyway most of the features. If i restart everything I am able to maybe move 1 item but then it stops working all over again. I can click on everything, but none of my items can be moved, nothing happens. And I can’t open any of my other pages or lightboxes when I click on them in te menu, just nothing happens again. And then it keeps trying to save but it never fully saves, just keeps trying. I use google chrome but i’ve tried it also on other laptops and browsers. I keep on having the same issue… really frustrating…! Advie anyone?
Please post the URL of your site. Only authorized Wix personnel can get access to your site in the editor.
Frustrated with the website editor as it doesn’t let me switch pages. Can anyone help?
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